Event Source Mapping
A Lambda-managed resource that reads data from several services and invokes functions. It is designed for processing high-volume streaming data or messages.
List of available services:
AWS docs
- DocumentDB
- DynamoDB
- Kinesis
- MQ
- Self-managed Apache Kafka
Function URLs
- A dedicated HTTP(S) endpoint for your Lambda function.
- Can be invoked through any HTTP client (web browser, curl, Postman, etc.).
- Use resource-based policies for AuthType AWS_IAM, or use NONE to ignore any additional function URL policies (Lambda function policies are still in effect).
- Can be applied to any alias or version.
Interface Endpoint
Establish a connection between your VPC and Lambda. You can use this connection to invoke your Lambda function without crossing the public internet.
AWS docs
- Event source mapping - Lambda resources created and managed by Lambda, designed for high-volume streaming data.
- Trigger - stored and managed by the service that generates the event, suitable for discrete events and real-time processing.
Lambda with IaC
IaC tools for Lambda:
AWS docs
- AWS CloudFormation - YAML or JSON templates to model and provision an entire infrastructure.
- AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) - a framework built on top of CloudFormation.
- AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) - define infrastructure using a programming language.
Lambda Runtime
The runtime is the environment for the execution of the function.
AWS docs
- If the function is defined as a container image, change the runtime when creating the image.
- If the function is defined as a zip archive, choose the runtime when creating the deployment package.
Configuring Functions
- Memory - between 128 and 10240 MB; CPU is allocated in proportion to memory. Use the Lambda Power Tuning Tool to estimate the right amount of memory.
- Ephemeral storage - between 512 and 10240 MB; all data stored in /tmp is encrypted at rest.
- Compute processor - arm64 (AWS Graviton2 processor) and x86_64 (for x86-based processors).
- Timeout - 3 seconds by default, with a maximum value of 15 minutes.
- Environment variables - adjust function behavior without updating the code.
Function Placement
- VPC - place the function in your VPC; additional permissions are required to assign to the Lambda function to create an ENI. To allow access to the internet, configure VPC resources (security groups, NACLs, IG, etc.).
- Non-VPC - function placed in a VPC managed by AWS with access to the internet.
Asynchronous Invocation
Several AWS services invoke functions asynchronously (e.g., S3, SNS, etc.). You can invoke a function asynchronously using the AWS CLI or SDK.
AWS docs
Function Scaling
There is a soft limit on the number of concurrent Lambda function invocations across all functions in an AWS region: 1000.
AWS docs
- Reserved concurrency - reserves a number of concurrent instances that are guaranteed for the function.
- Provisioned concurrency - reserves a number of pre-initialized execution environments (additional cost).
Why use layers:
AWS docs
- Reduce the size of your deployment packages
- Separate core function logic from dependencies
- Share dependencies across multiple functions
- Use the console code editor
A version is an immutable snapshot of the function with its configuration.
You can change the following settings for a published version:
AWS docs
- Triggers
- Destinations
- Provisioned concurrency
- Asynchronous invocation
- Database connections and proxies
There are 2 main categories of permissions to consider:
AWS docs
- Standard resource-based policy - who (AWS users and entities) can perform what actions on the resource.
- Execution role - what the Lambda function is allowed to do and on which resources. At a minimum, the function should be allowed to send data to CloudWatch Logs.
Code Signing
Sign code artifacts. Lambda performs the following validation checks:
AWS docs
- Integrity – Validates that the code package has not been modified since it was signed.
- Expiry – Validates that the signature of the code package has not expired.
- Mismatch – Validates that the code package is signed with one of the allowed signing profiles for the Lambda function.
- Revocation – Validates that the signature of the code package has not been revoked.